Bed Bug Control Sydney

HomePest & Vermin Control | Bed Bug Control Sydney


Dealing with a beg bug infestation can be inconvenient and uncomfortable, but the skills and experience of the bed bug control expert at Best Pest Control Sydney can help deal with your bed bug problem quickly, safely, and effectively. 

Our Bed Bug Control Service Includes:

Bed Bug Inspection: to evaluate any existing bed bug issues
Bed Bug Treatment: to control or exterminate an existing bed bug population
Close-up of a bedbug (cimex lectularius) on a white background.

CALL US: (02) 9190 1107

We work across the entire Sydney area, and is experienced dealing with many kinds of pests.  We are able to control your bed bug issues whether you own a home or a hotel, and are ready to respond quickly and develop a bed bug control plan to meet your needs.

A close-up image of a bedbug on a white textured fabric.


Bed Bugs are parasitic insects that noctournally feed on human blood.  They do not fly or jump, but can still move very quickly.  Bed bug bites are not initially painful, but the saliva injected by the insects causes irritation and inflammation on human skin, although some people may be more sensitive in their reactions to bed bugs than others.


Female bed bugs can lay up to a dozen eggs per day, and on average, they hatch after about one to two weeks.  Baby bed bugs are ready to feed immediately, and require a meal of blood to molt.  Molting is when an insect sheds it’s old shell, or exoskeleton, to make room for new growth.  Bed bugs are considered mature after they have molted five times, and this can take between three weeks and four months.  Bed bugs can go for a long time between feedings, up to several months, and the time elapsed between feedings is dependent on environmental conditions.  The length of a feed varies between 3 and 15 minutes.

Close-up of bed bugs on a textured white fabric, showing detailed features of multiple insects in various sizes.


Bed bugs are noctournal, and hide where a host is nearby during the day.  Bed bugs are not attracted to the mattress or bed, but to the host, or warm blooded human, resting at night.


Bed bugs hide when they aren’t feeding, so you may not see the insects themselves, but you may be able to find blood stains from crushed bugs or rust-colored spots from bed bug droppings on your bedding.

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Close-up of bed bugs on a textured white fabric, showing detailed features of multiple insects in various sizes.


Bed bugs move very quickly, so they can be difficult to prevent or avoid, especially in hotels or apartment building where occupants change quickly.  One of the best practices to bed bug control you can do is being cautious and carefully inspecting any secondhand furniture or bedding before bringing it into your home.  If you are staying in a hotel or somewhere else for a night, inspect your sleeping area and surroundings for the signs of bed bug control problems. If you are a hotel owner, our team of commercial pest control is there for you.

Heat and steam are non-chemical bugs control solutions which are often successful in helping to eradicate bed bugs. There are also chemical solutions for bed bug management available, and our bed bug control exterminators in Sydney are experienced with the chemicals used for infestation elimination, and are able to use these bed bugs pest control methods while keeping your safety in mind. The most effective form of bed bug prevention will be employing the service of bed bug control professionals because without training and experience, bed bugs are very difficult to find and treat.

Our team of bed bug exterminators will work with you to develop a bed bug control or prevention plan that meets your needs. 

However, our services are not just limited to bed bugs but also able to help you with all other pest issues be it termite control, cockroach infestation, rodent control, or any other pest & vermin control services all across the Sydney. Whether you need a residential pest control expert or for your business, we’re committed to make SYDNEY PEST FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

Common signs include small red bites on your skin, blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases, dark spots (bed bug excrement) on mattresses and bedding, a musty odor, and sightings of bed bugs or their shed skins.

We use a combination of treatments including chemical sprays, heat treatments, and steam treatments. Our approach is customized based on the severity of the infestation and the specific needs of your property.

Yes, our treatments are designed to be safe for your family and pets. We use eco-friendly products and follow strict safety protocols to minimize any risks during and after the treatment.

The duration of the treatment depends on the severity of the infestation. Typically, it can take a few hours to a full day to treat an entire home. In some cases, follow-up treatments may be necessary to ensure complete eradication.

Depending on the type of treatment, you may need to leave your home for a few hours. Our technicians will inform you in advance if this is required and provide you with detailed instructions to ensure your safety.

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